If youユre having problems running SndSamplerェ, try these steps:
1. Please read the Userユs Guide
to see if it gives you any advice about your specific problem. Note that the Userユs Guide is not a SimpleText file. It is an RTF file which can only be opened in a word processor which can import RTF files, such as Microsquat Word, ClarisWorks, etc. You probably wonユt be able to double-click it, either. Youユll have to launch the word processor separately and then open the file with the word processorユs open command.
2. If you are having problems recording directly to a hard drive, use a disk utitlity such as Norton Utilities to defragment and optimize it. Also try optimizing your startup hard drive, i.e. the one with the System Folder on it. Do this even if you have just recently formatted your drives.
3. Remove the file メSndSamplerェ Prefsモ from the Preferences folder in your System Folder. (You donユt need to actually trash it, and if this doesnユt solve the problem you can restore your preferences.)
4. Turn off virtual memory and/or Ram Doubler.
5. Replace the malfunctioning copy of SndSamplerェ with a fresh, unregistered backup copy. Register it again if you have received your code.
6. TRY DOWNLOADING SNDSAMPLERェ AGAIN (preferably from a completely different site). Please try this, even if you think it wonユt do any good. We have found that sometimes it solves the problem, especially if SndSamplerェ is acting flaky, i.e. quitting unexpectedly.
7. If all else fails, drop us a DETAILED note (e-mail to a_glenn@hotmail.com) and weユll do what we can to help. Try to include as much information as you can, such as: exactly what happened (unexpectedly quit due to a Type 1 error, etc.), what System version are you running, what kind of Macintosh you have, what version of SndSamplerェ are you using, is the problem reproducible (i.e. can you get it to happen any time you like by a certain series of steps), what kind of sound you were working on (8 or 16-bit, mono or stereo, etc.), and what operation you were trying to perform (downsample, amplitude, etc.).